Legal information

Company information

[Company/entity name]
Address: [Full address]
Telephone: [Telephone number]
Email address: [Email address]
SIRET (or equivalent depending on country): [SIRET number]

Person responsible for publication

[Surname and first name of person responsible]
Telephone: [Telephone number of person responsible]
Email address: [Email address of person responsible]


The [Name of your site] website is hosted by [Name of hosting company].
Address: [Address of hosting company]
Telephone: [Telephone number of hosting company]

Copyright and credits

All content on this site, including but not limited to graphics, images, texts, videos, animations, sounds, logos, gifs and icons, as well as their layout, are the exclusive property of [Company/entity name], with the exception of trademarks, logos or content belonging to other partner companies or authors.

Limitation of liability

[Company/entity name] may not be held liable for direct or indirect damage caused to the user’s equipment when accessing the [Name of your site] site, resulting either from the use of equipment that does not meet the specifications indicated, or from the appearance of a bug or incompatibility.

Hypertext links and cookies

The [Name of your site] site contains a number of hypertext links to other sites (partners, information, etc.) set up with the authorisation of [Name of the company/entity]. However, [Name of company/entity] is unable to check the content of sites visited in this way and therefore declines all responsibility for any risks of illicit content.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

This legal notice is subject to [name of country] law. Any dispute relating to the interpretation or performance of a contractual commitment provided for on the site shall fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the [name of country] courts.
  85 Medinat ha-Yehudim, Hertzliya Pituah 4676670, Israel

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